Manually Upload a Dependency File

Learn how to upload a dependency file manually.

Keep in mind that this feature is accessible only to account admins.

If you want to get the most out of our tool, setting up an integration is the preferred way of working with your repositories.

However, if you want to test a specific dependency file for vulnerabilities, you can do so by manually uploading the file(s):

  1. Go to Repository Settings in the left side menu

  2. Click the Manual scan button in the top right area of the table

  3. Upload the file(s) you want to scan

  4. Click on Start scan

  5. Once the scan is completed, click on View results to see all discovered vulnerabilities

This action will create a repository named " - <date>" (where date is e.g., 2023-01-01) and will add this scan as a commit within a repository.

Last updated