CycloneDX SBOM Report
Learn how to generate a CycloneDX SBOM Report.
This feature is only available for our SCA Enterprise users. Already have an account? Click here to upgrade.
What is SBOM?
A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a record of the supply chain relationships between the components used when creating software. The record lists all components of a product, including all open source software, which can be helpful for both the developers and other stakeholders, such as Investors and legal teams. Visit our blog for more information.
What is CycloneDX?
CycloneDX, developed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), is an open common standard for communicating SBOM information, a data format.
There are a few data points included in the SBOM which are not included in the regular License Report:
Proof of license - a reference to the source from where we fetched the license information
License text - the actual text that the license consists of
Copyright statement - displays the person or organization who holds the copyright
Open Source Select link - a link to the dependency page in Open Source Select, where you can find additional information on the specific open source package
Dependency relations - reference numbers (ref) for each component and an array of each direct dependency of that dependency (depends_on), see the section Dependency Relations below for more details
Root Fixes - can be found under Recommendation, consisting of information about the first version of the specific vulnerable dependency that is safe, as well as the first version of the root/direct dependency that doesn't contain a vulnerable version of the indirect dependency. See the section Root Fixes for more details
Keep in mind that license information may differ depending on the package and the specific version used.
Dependency Relations
In the dependencies array, you can find a reference number (ref) for each component and an array of each direct dependency of that dependency (depends_on). The roots of the relational trees will reference to the files in the project, together with the direct dependencies that it contains. By traversing the dependencies array, it is possible to build the entire dependency tree.
In example below, you can see the direct dependency `webpack:4.28.4` depending on `terser-webpack-plugin:1.2.1` which in turn depends on `terser:3.14.1`.
Here is how this would be visualised in our user interface:
Root Fixes
Under Recommendation you can find information about the first version of the specific vulnerable dependency that is safe, as well as the first version of the root/direct dependency that doesn't contain a vulnerable version of the indirect dependency. See example below:
Exporting a CycloneDX SBOM using our web tool
Keep in mind that this feature is only available for enterprise users.
In order to generate the CycloneDX SBOM report:
Click on Generate Report in the top right corner of the page
Under Scope select all repositories you wish to see the data for
Select SBOM as the Report Type
Click on Generate
Check your email for the report, which will be sent to you in the .json format. If you can’t find the email in your inbox, make sure to check the SPAM folder.
Exporting a CycloneDX SBOM using our web tool - video guide
Exporting a CycloneDX SBOM to email using the API
If you have already integrated your repository with Debricked, you can generate a CycloneDX SBOM by fetching your data through the API.
Keep in mind that to use our REST API you will need to authenticate first.
Endpoint: /api/{1.0}/open/sbom/generate-cyclonedx-sbom
Here’s an example of a request using curl:
You can send the following parameters in the body of the request: commitId, email, repositoryIds, branch, locale. You can choose to add license and vulnerability data, using licenses: true/false and vulnerabilities: true/false.
If you provide a commitId, the branch and repositoryIds will be ignored. If you leave the branch field empty, the report is generated for our identified default branch (most likely 'main' or 'master', if applicable) of the selected repository. It is also possible to create an SBOM for all repositories by not specifying any repositoryIds.
Once you send the request, you will receive your SBOM via email, which will be sent to you in the .json format. If you can’t find the email in your inbox, make sure to check the SPAM folder. If you don't provide an email address, the SBOM will be sent to the email of the user who created the request.
Exporting a CycloneDX SBOM to email using the API - video guide
Exporting CycloneDX SBOM directly from the API
If you have already integrated your repository with Debricked, you can generate a CycloneDX SBOM and download it directly through the API.
To export a CycloneDX SBOM use the endpoint: /api/1.0/open/sbom/generate-cyclonedx-sbom
You are able to specify whether or not to receive an email with the "sendEmail": true/false parameter. Set it to false if you don’t want to receive the email and true if you do. Regardless of what you put in that parameter, you can fetch the result of the generated SBOM using the reportUuid received from the first endpoint and entering that into the /api/1.0/open/sbom/download-generated-cyclonedx-sbom endpoint.
Once it’s ready, you can download the SBOM directly from the response.
Last updated